Astaxanthin Benefits

Nutrition Capsules Rainbow
Ocean Nectar Marine Phytoplankton
INGREDIENTS: Blue Green Algae AFA, Astaxanthin Algae, Dunaliella
Salina, Chlorella Vulgaris, Ascophyllum nodosum, Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica, Spirulina Platensis,
Gigartina Red Marine Algae, Purple Dulse, Spirulina Platensis 10:1, Phycocyanin 25%, Kombu
Laminaria japonica, Ecklonia Cava 10:1, Fucoxanthin 35%, Laminaria hyperborea, Laminaria digitata,
Fucoidan 40%



240 capsules

480 capsules


So here are some
of the questions people are asking.

Top Astaxanthin
Benefits for Health
help prevent Aslzheimer’s
normalizes blood pressure
brain health
helps prevent initiation of cancer cells
carpal tunnel syndrome
better resistance to colds
Cystoid macular edema
Prevents and relieves Diabetes & Retinopathy
exercise performance
eye health
prevents gum disease
helps prevent heart attacks
boosts immune system
Macular degeneration |
men’s health
helps prevent Parkinson's
Relieves prostate problems
enhances reproductive health
works in every part of your body, organs, and skin

- reaches into every part of the cell, inside and out, similar to lipoic
- crosses the blood-brain barrier to protect the brain and nervous
- crosses the blood-retinal barrier and bring protection to the eyes
- protects all parts of the cells from oxidative damage
Marine Phytoplankton Haematococcus pluvialis Benefits
Top 13 Astaxanthin benefits for health
Astaxanthin benefit for asthma
Astaxanthin benefit for Alzheimer’s, brain health
Astaxanthin benefit for blood pressure
Astaxanthin benefit for cancer
Astaxanthin benefit for carpal tunnel syndrome
Astaxanthin benefit for diabetics
Astaxanthin benefit for exercise performance
Astaxanthin benefit for eye health
Astaxanthin benefit for the heart
Astaxanthin benefit for heartburn
Astaxanthin benefit for the immune system
Astaxanthin benefit for men’s health
Astaxanthin benefit for skin
Astaxanthin can reach into every part of the cell, inside and out, similar to lipoic
Astaxanthin can cross the blood-brain barrier to protect the brain and nervous
Astaxanthin can cross the blood-retinal barrier and bring protection to the
Astaxanthin works in every part of your body, organs and skin.
Other benefits are:
Boosts immune system
Helps prevent heart attacks
Helps prevent the initiation of cancer cells
Helps prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
Macular degeneration
Cystoid macular edema
Diabetic retinopathy
Glaucoma and many others
Normalizes blood pressure
Relieves prostate problems
Gives you better resistance to colds
Prevents and relieves diabetes
Prevents gum disease
Enhances reproductive health
Protects all parts of the cells from oxidative damage
Astaxanthin benefits are enormous. Astaxanthin is a great anti-inflammatory nutrient and is more than ten times
potent than other carotenoids.
This is the strongest natural antioxidant in the world today and many times more potent than vitamin C, beta
carotene, vitamin E, or lutein. You can find it in salmon, shrimp, microalgae, krill, yeast, crayfish and trout.
Let us discuss on the astaxanthin benefits in details.
1. Eye Protection: A study conducted indicates that patients having eyestrain and other vision related problems
who were administered 5mg per day of astaxanthin had shown significant improvement in visual function in comparison
with those who were given the placebo.
2. Heart Disease Benefits: It is a fact that a considerable inflammation may cause cardiovascular disease.
Astaxanthin being the strongest anti-inflammatory nutrient available, this can reduce that particular risk. A study
made on this score indicates that patients given astaxanthin had improved tremendously their cardiovascular
3. Prevent Skin Damage. Several clinical trials made prove that the anti-inflammatory properties of astaxanthin
reduce the skin damage after exposure to UV rays. The results also showed improvement in the visual appearance of
the test group’s skin including the removal of wrinkles and improvement in the moisture level in their skin.
4. Prevent Diabetes: Research study conducted recently shows that 12 weeks astaxanthin treatment benefitted
diabetic patients who had shown a lower level of blood glucose as compared with the non-treated group. A number of
studies are underway to establish the efficacy of astaxanthin in preventing diabetes.
5. Prevent Premature Aging: In ordinary course, an oxidative chain reaction in the mitochondria produces large
quantities of free radicals that cause aging in rats. The research result reveals that astaxanthin reduces
oxidation of mitochondria as many as 100 times that of vitamin E preventing premature aging.
6. Alzheimer’s disease: Do you know that primary cause of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s etc. is attributed to oxidative damage to your nervous system. Research studies show that
astaxanthin can extend its antioxidant benefits for these ailments by passing through the blood-brain barriers.
7. Fights Cancer: Research studies indicate that use of astaxanthin significantly facilitates in inhibiting the
malignant tumor growth, as well as reducing in the growth of human tumors in external grafts. Though this result
will not cure cancer, but it will certainly help in treating cancer more effectively using traditional methods
including chemo or tumor removal.
8. Prevent Gastric Ulcers: Several research results show that using of natural astaxanthin supplements reduces
gastric inflammation and bacterial load. It also soothes the pain and inflammation of the ulcer until the ulcer is
no longer there.
9. Improves Liver Function: A study conducted in 2002 reveals that astaxanthin protects the liver from oxidative
damage by employing its powerful antioxidant properties. The study also reveals that the doses of astaxanthin can
help in detoxifying enzymes in the liver cells improving its functioning to a great extent.
10. Improves Male Fertility: Do you suffer from infertility? Astaxanthin could help you in the matter.
Researches conducted on this score reveal that astaxanthin improves the quality of the sperm facilitating in the
increased frequency of conception.
11. Improves Functioning of Nervous System: Human central nervous system is always prone to oxidative damage and
the role of strong antioxidant like astaxanthin cannot be underestimated. As a matter of proof, a study conducted
on this score reveals that astaxanthin can help in improving both learning and memory skills and can reduce the
risk of vascular dementia.
Above astaxanthin benefits indicate that the popularity in the use of this powerful antioxidant is growing day
by day and astaxanthin will certainly established its worth with more and more research results coming in its