Ocean Nutrition FAQ

Nutrition Capsules Rainbow
Ocean Nectar Marine Phytoplankton
INGREDIENTS: Blue Green Algae AFA, Astaxanthin Algae, Dunaliella
Salina, Chlorella Vulgaris, Ascophyllum nodosum, Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica, Spirulina Platensis,
Gigartina Red Marine Algae, Purple Dulse, Spirulina Platensis 10:1, Phycocyanin 25%, Kombu
Laminaria japonica, Ecklonia Cava 10:1, Fucoxanthin 35%, Laminaria hyperborea, Laminaria digitata,
Fucoidan 40%



240 capsules

480 capsules


So here are some
of the questions people are asking.
Frequently Asked
Q: Why haven't I ever heard of Marine
Phytoplankton before?
A: Although scientists have been studying the nutritional content of it
for many years now, the problem has always been how do you harvest one of nature's most complete foods without
adversely harming the eco-system? In addition to that, it is a single-cell plant and each cell is invisible to the
naked eye, so it is not very easy to locate them. Harvesting them is only viable where there are large numbers of
these plants all growing together in one place still you would need to drain many millions of tons of seawater to
harvest sufficient for human needs. This would have the undesirable effect of depleting a valuable resource that
all of our marine live so heavily depends upon. The long-term consequences for our planet could well be
Q: So how do you overcome this
A: It was an extraordinary piece of good fortune (or divine intervention?) that
enabled the world to finally gain access to one of Nature's most elusive food sources. In 2004, a shell-fish farmer
developed a method of growing Marine Phytoplankton in land based seawater tanks so he could feed the shell-fish he
was cultivating for export. The farmer had experimented with many different species of Phytoplankton before
perfecting his formula. It was the rapid increase in the quality and growth rate of his shell-fish (including
clams, mussels and oysters), that convinced him that he was on to something, although at that stage no one had
produced any real evidence that Marine Phytoplankton could benefit human health.
It wasn't until the farmer was diagnosed
with a very rare and incurable cancer (Mesothelioma) that he instinctively stuck his fingers into one of the tanks
of Phytoplankton and put a small amount of the green paste in his mouth and to eat. The reasoning behind this was
that if the algae was good enough for his shell-fish it might just do him some good as well! He continued eating
the algae every day for around two weeks, and then he noticed the pain in his body was subsiding. Surgeons later
conducted a biopsy prior to performing a life-threatening operation, and were amazed to discover that the cancerous
tumors in his lungs were now benign.
Q: What about algae like Spirulina and
Chlorella, are they similar to Marine Phytoplankton?
A: Spirulina and Chlorella do have certain similarities, but they have a different
nutritional profile, and normally grow in fresh water rather than sea water. On the other hand, Marine
Phytoplankton consists of hundreds of different varieties of single cell micro-algae, and it appears that
Phytoplankton is far more easily absorbed by the cells of the body where the nutrients can be of the most benefit.
It is interesting to note that over 100,000 of these tine single-celled organisms will fit inside just one drop of
Q: How do I know that Marine
Phytoplankton is safe to eat?
A: Sample batches of Marine Phytoplankton are regularly tested in a laboratory to
ensure that there are no harmful contaminants present, unlike much of the produce that is sold in grocery stores
and supermarkets.
Q: I am on medication, should I talk to
my Doctor before taking this product?
A: Yes. Although Marine Phytoplankton is a whole food (no additives, colorings or
preservatives) it is always recommended that you discuss any changes to your normal diet with your health care
professional first. It may be that you can start to reduce your level of medication, but that should be a decision
for your Doctor.
Q: If Marine Phytoplankton can help
someone with a particular medical condition that I also suffer from, can I expect similar
A: It is important to stress that Marine Phytoplankton is a highly nutritious
food; therefore it cannot directly treat or cure any illness or disease. What it can do is feed the cells of the
body with a quite remarkable combination of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. It is then possible
for the body to function much more effectively in the vital task of cell growth and regeneration. You should also
be aware that what works for one person may not necessarily work exactly the same for another. However, medical
opinion is now moving towards the idea that 'complete food' (that is diet containing everything the cells in our
body need to stay healthy), is the best way to help fight disease and illness.
Q: Marine Phytoplankton contains some
elements I've never heard of before, are they compatible with our own body chemistry?
A: To find out what your own body is made of, please read about the Body Mineral
Phytoplankton interact with any medications?
Phytoplankton is a whole food supplement. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, protein, and essential
fats. Since it is a green plant food, it is known to be a source of vitamin K which may theoretically affect the
therapeutic properties of blood thinners. If taking blood thinners, use under the guidance of your health care
Why is Marine
Phytoplankton so expensive?
Phytoplankton is a highly specialized and a very complex process. A football field's worth of land is required
to produce 70 kg in a period of 2-3 months under 24 hour monitoring with state of the art computers and highly
trained professionals. Nevertheless, those who supplement with our Marine Phytoplankton find that the value of
the nutritional benefits far outweighs the price.
Why select
Marine Phytoplankton over other algae’s such as chlorella and spirulina?
Phytoplankton is the origin of all plankton. It has pigments that are unique to marine phytoplankton which no
other plant material has. It is these pigments that scientists are looking at to find out why they are so
beneficial to health. Also, spirulina and chlorella grow in fresh water. Phytoplankton, on the other hand, grows
in the ocean and therefore contains an array of minerals and other nutritional elements not found in fresh water
Is Marine
Phytoplankton linked with any food allergy, intolerance or sensitivity issues?
allergic reactions using Marine Phytoplankton have ever been reported, it is considered a safe whole food.
Here's an interesting fact related to that: "Only seven foods comprise 95 percent of all food allergies, they
are: milk, soy, fish, wheat (gluten), eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts." (The Yale Guide to Children's Nutrition,
page 186, 1997.) [
What is Marine Phytoplankton?
Marine phytoplankton is comprised of countless tiny plant-like cells called "micro-algae", which
naturally transform sunlight, raw inorganic minerals and carbon dioxide to become the world's super-food. About
the size of red blood cells, they form the foundation of the food chain for all other multi-cellular marine
creatures - from sponges to whales. Phytoplankton is nature's perfect and complete food, packed with nourishment
that can not only sustain all life but also add phenomenal nutritional benefits, unmatched by other
Marine phytoplankton contributes over 70% of the planet's oxygen production while providing a complete
source of nutrition: proteins, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, trace minerals, pigments, enzymes, chlorophyll,
essential fatty acids, omega-3 oils and more. When consumed, these microscopic cells are instantly digested and
their nutritional goodness rapidly incorporated into cells, tissues and organs – including vital nutrients like
vitamins B12, C and E, magnesium, chlorophyll and potassium to name a few.
Not only does phytoplankton have all the vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and
amino acids required for good health, it is so nutrient dense that only small amounts are required to deliver
significant nutritional benefits. And since it contains all the minerals found in human blood - in nearly
identical concentrations - it offers us a source of minerals far superior to that of any other
How Do Marine Phytoplankton Act as Detoxification Agents?
Phytoplankton has an alkaline pH, which when consumed help counter the acidity of diets high in
refined sugars and red meat. The high density of nutrients found in algae is also a key factor, as many of these
sustain cell metabolism and the integrity of human cell membranes as cells detoxify and renew
It is theorized that causes of diseases can be equated to a few specific mechanisms, all of which
center on cell membrane function and structure, for example, the damage inflicted by inflammation, oxidation,
toxicosis, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Micro-algae contain high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory
nutrients to protect membranes, fuel metabolism and aid detoxification processes.
What is Marine Phytoplankton ?
Marine Phytoplankton is an amazing product with over 200 types of diverse chlorophyll-rich plankton
nutrients providing maximum health benefits. It is simply the best tasting and best source of marine
phytoplankton ever produced.
This revolutionary product is comprised of naturally occurring salt-water algae cultivated in
commercial quantities once thought impossible, with no effect on the ocean's abundance. Using an organic
process, the phytoplankton is cultured to appoint where all nutrients are extracted in a form uniquely available
to the human body. This pure, concentrated product - Marine Phytoplankton- makes it possible for your body to
easily absorb and metabolize all the precious nutrients it requires.
What is the Science Behind Marine Phytoplankton?
Phytoplankton is the ultimate source of food for all multi-cellular life in the ocean, including some
of the world's largest and longest living animals. It is the 'vegetation' of the ocean. Phytoplankton also
produces up to 70% of Earth's oxygen.
Phytoplankton, or marine micro-algae, comprises hundreds of species of photosynthetic, unicellular
organisms belonging to the Kingdom Protista.
Is Marine Phytoplankton Linked with Food Allergies, Intolerances or
No allergic reactions have ever been linked to the consumption of marine phytoplankton. It is a safe,
complete food.
Although phytoplankton has detoxifying effects, taking too much, too soon, can produce nausea and/or
increased bowel movements. If so, simply decrease your daily intake for a few days until your body
Does Phytoplankton Interact with Medication?
Marine Phytoplankton is a complete food supplement, rich in vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, protein
and essential fats. Green plants and phytoplankton are sources of vitamin K, a substance that can affect the
therapeutic properties of blood thinners. If you are taking blood thinners, only use this product under the
guidance of your health care professional.
How do you take Marine Phytoplankton Ocean Nectar? What is the Recommended
The amount of Marine Phytoplankton you take should be tailored to your individual nutritional needs.
We suggest 4-6 capsules per day for routine health maintenance, while 8-10 capsules daily may be taken to
alleviate chronic conditions like psoriasis and diabetes.
Dosages of up to 10 capsules per day may be consumed and tolerated in association with serious
afflictions such as cancer.
What is the history of
Marine Phytoplankton for human consumption?
Although phytoplankton for human
consumption is a relatively new discovery it is well known as a primary food source for fish and other sea life. It
influences the levels of vitamins, minerals, and essential fats, with reference to the healthy omega 3 fats,
present in fish. It is highly recommended by leading health authorities that humans consume fish at least 2-3 times
weekly for health protection. Many of the reported health benefits associated with phytoplankton may partly be
attributed to its provision of vitamins, minerals, and the healthy omega 3 fats.