Marine Phytoplankton Nutrition
The term Phytoplankton refers to small plants that float in water.
They are too small to be seen by the naked eye but appear in groups making them look like a green discoloration
in the water.
They use sunlight and other components for photosynthesis and growth.
After they have grown, they serve as a source of oxygen and food for sea animals.
Being the base of life, Phytoplankton has different kinds of nutrients that are fully digested in a human

Nutrition Capsules Rainbow
Ocean Nectar Marine Phytoplankton
INGREDIENTS: Blue Green Algae AFA, Astaxanthin Algae, Dunaliella
Salina, Chlorella Vulgaris, Ascophyllum nodosum, Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica, Spirulina Platensis,
Gigartina Red Marine Algae, Purple Dulse, Spirulina Platensis 10:1, Phycocyanin 25%, Kombu
Laminaria japonica, Ecklonia Cava 10:1, Fucoxanthin 35%, Laminaria hyperborea, Laminaria digitata,
Fucoidan 40%



240 capsules

480 capsules


So here are some
of the questions people are asking.
Some of the Marine phytoplankton nutrition that is essential for a human being includes: fats, vitamins and
Proteins form a half of the nutritional contents in a phytoplankton.
This plant contains all amino acids needed in your body.
It is therefore a good supplement for those who do not take any kinds of protein.
The amino acids are useful in the formation and repair of cells in the body.
Marine phytoplankton contains healthy fats known as the omega-3.
This maintains normal neural functions and a stable immune system.
The original source of omega -3 in fish oil is from the marine phytoplankton which is later ingested by the
Those who do not like taking fish would therefore be more comfortable with this plant.
Experts say that it boosts the memory of a person.
Vitamins are a part of Marine phytoplankton nutrition useful to human beings.
The type vitamins present include B and A which aid in metabolism and good eye sight respectively.
A good metabolism system will protect the liver from having complications.
There are other minerals found in Marine phytoplankton.
These include zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium among others.
Chlorophyll is a great detoxifier.
It detoxifies the digestive tracks, blood and the liver.
It also increases the amount of oxygen being taken and that leads to stronger muscle growth.
The other minerals aid in getting rid of allergies, protection from bacteria and viruses and improved blood
The Marine phytoplankton nutrition is also known as super nutrients or super food.
This is because the body of a person can absorb all the nutritional content in it.
If taken daily, a person is able to get enough energy for the body.
The amount of times that one takes depends entirely on the person.
If you cannot stand capsules you can have it in juice or any other sweet drink.
There are many benefits of marine phytoplankton.
These benefits range from restoration of energy to the treatment of chronic illness.
The availability of almost all the nutrients and their easy absorption make it more of medicine than food.
It protects the body from diseases as well as speed up the recovery process.
Many people have testimonies to give about the effects of taking the Marine phytoplankton.
Scientists have explained the puzzles brought by this plant such as the reasons why using this product can make
one to lose weight.
Everyone apart from special cases is free to take it.
Those with special cases need to get guidance from a physician.