Where to Buy Marine Phytoplankton and It's Benefits
Marine phytoplankton is a plant like organism that tends to be free floating throughout out the ocean
One of it's primary resources for survival is sunlight, which in turn makes the plant like organism comparable
with photosynthesis.
This photosynthesis affect tends to make this plant appear as though it's greenish in color, although in all
actuality it's extremely tiny in size and nearly impossible to recognize with the human eye unless found growing in
large clumps.
The Importance of Marine Phytoplankton:

Nutrition Capsules Rainbow
Ocean Nectar Marine Phytoplankton
INGREDIENTS: Blue Green Algae AFA, Astaxanthin Algae, Dunaliella
Salina, Chlorella Vulgaris, Ascophyllum nodosum, Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica, Spirulina Platensis,
Gigartina Red Marine Algae, Purple Dulse, Spirulina Platensis 10:1, Phycocyanin 25%, Kombu
Laminaria japonica, Ecklonia Cava 10:1, Fucoxanthin 35%, Laminaria hyperborea, Laminaria digitata,
Fucoidan 40%



240 capsules

480 capsules


So here are some
of the questions people are asking.
Marine phytoplankton is vital to the ocean environment due to the fact that it contains all the vitamins and
minerals necessary for most living creatures in the water to survive.
This particular plant is dependent upon sunlight, water, and nutrients found in ocean water for it's own
survival, while life in the ocean depends on the phytoplankton for it's survival.
Who Eats Marine Phytoplankton:
Different species in the ocean favor this particular plant such as; small fish, invertebrates and zoo
Of course the extremely small animals in the water eat the phytoplankton, and natures takes it course while
larger fish eat the smaller fish; all receiving the vitamins and nutrients essential for survival.
Basically this organism plant is considered a nutritional supplement to all living things within the ocean
How is Marine Phytoplankton Purchased:
Often times this particular organism plant will be harvested and re-manufactured in various forms to be
Although distributed by various manufacturers, the few specific types are basically all the same such as; liquid
drops, powder and tablets.
If interested in purchasing such an item, of course the internet is the best place to start as there are many
different manufacturers of such a plant.
Also many different health and herb shops may also carry this particular item.
This organism plant harvested from ocean waters has many manufacturers, although just a few make it their
Although generally known as a nutritional supplement for all ocean life, marine phytoplankton is also known as
an extremely healthy supplement for human consumption as well.
Many different affects have been medically discovered however the main reasons people search for this particular
product is due to benefits.
The reduction of allergies and asthma, strengthens the heart, increases blood circulation, works as an anti
fungal and antiviral preventative, strengthens the immune system, and increases brain function.
There are so many benefits to taking such a supplement, and it's fairly easy for anyone to find.
This particular supplement is extremely affordable no matter what form it's purchased in, and will not
counteract with any other supplements that are currently being taken.
It's also important to consider that purchasing this supplement in larger quantities often is much more
affordable and provides a noticeable savings.
It's also helpful if being purchased at a health or herb shop to discuss the purposes for taken such a
supplement and the potential side affects if any and also recommended dosages for you.