Spirulina Platnesis

Nutrition Capsules Rainbow
Ocean Nectar Marine Phytoplankton
INGREDIENTS: Blue Green Algae AFA, Astaxanthin Algae, Dunaliella
Salina, Chlorella Vulgaris, Ascophyllum nodosum, Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica, Spirulina Platensis,
Gigartina Red Marine Algae, Purple Dulse, Spirulina Platensis 10:1, Phycocyanin 25%, Kombu
Laminaria japonica, Ecklonia Cava 10:1, Fucoxanthin 35%, Laminaria hyperborea, Laminaria digitata,
Fucoidan 40%



240 capsules

480 capsules


So here are some
of the questions people are asking.
Spirulina Platensis Fresh Water Grown Algae benefits
Some of the health benefits of Spirulina are
Encouraging weight loss
Counteracting toxins in the body
Helping purify the liver
Increasing mental alertness
Lowering blood cholesterol and excess triglycerides
Helping fight viral infections
Treating radiation sickness
Enhancing ability to generate new blood cells
Improving blood sugar problems
Strengthening the nervous system
Strengthening the immune system
emoving toxic metals such as lead and mercury from the body
Improving healing of wounds
Spirulina Platnesis is a spiral shaped, planktonic blue-green algae that grows in alkaline fresh water ponds.
Earlier known for its nutritive benefits, a wide array of Spirulina Platnesis benefits in therapeutic field have
now earned it the title of "Magic Food".
Spirulina Platnesis is a rich source of protein; about 65%-71% of it is complete protein. It is a single natural
food source which provides protein, vitamins, minerals, iron and many essential micro-nutrients, and is widely used
as dietary supplement to provide essential nutrients lacking in normal diet.
Besides its nutritional value, Spirulina Platnesis is also known for its potential health benefits.
Numerous scientific researches show that among the hordes of Spirulina Platnesis benefits, the most significant
ones are its ability to lower blood cholesterol, suppression of fatty accumulation in liver cells, prevention of
cancer and tumor formation, promoting healthy functioning of kidneys, and enhancing body's immunity against various
Several Spirulina Platnesis benefits are as follows:
Spirulina Platnesis is the richest source of protein, providing 18 out of the 22 essential amino acids that the
body needs, hence it promotes growth and development in children and young adults. It is widely used by
Body-builders and Athletes for building muscles and stamina.
Daily intake of Spirulina Platnesis is believed to improve digestion and appetite.Spirulina is used as dietary
supplement to treat malnutrition and fatigue, and is also given to convalescing patients for gaining muscle mass
and boosting immunity.
Various studies show Spirulina Platnesis benefits in boosting the immunity of the body, by increasing the
phagocytic activity of macrophages and stimulating the production of cytokines and antibodies.
Spirulina Platnesis is a rich source of anti-oxidants like carotenoids, Vitamin E, zinc and selenium which help
in rejuvenation of body tissues and slow down the ageing process. On account of its anti-oxidant properties
Spirulina also provides protection against several types of cancers.
Spirulina Platnesis is a rich source of B-Vitamins, usually found in non-vegetarian sources, and hence is an
important source of vitamin B for vegetarians. B-Vitamins are well known for their immune boosting properties and
are also vital for Cardiac health.
Spirulina Platnesis benefits in regulation of blood pressure and its effectivity in significantly lowering
cholesterol and triglyceride levels in blood further enhance its Cardiac protective function.
A scientific study conducted in Japan in 2002 indicated Spirulina Platnesis benefits in increasing the number
and activity of NK (natural killer) cells. NK cells are body's natural defense against tumor cells; their increased
activity indicates increased protection against tumor formation.
Another study showed that Adipohepatosis ( accumulation of fat in liver cells) induced by high fat and high
cholesterol diet was cured rapidly when the patients were given diet supplemented with Spirulina Platnesis.
Spirulina Platnesis has been found to be highly effective in treating radiation sickness and is widely used in
Russia and Japan for the same.
Spirulina Platnesis is a rich source of Iron. Iron found in Spirulina Platnesis is more readily absorbed in the
body than the Iron supplements available commercially. Spirulina therefore promotes hemoglobin production and also
enhances the body's ability to generate blood cells.
Spirulina is beneficial for Diabetics owing to its blood sugar and obesity reducing properties.
Spirulina Platnesis detoxifies the body tissues by removing toxic metals like lead and mercury from the
A daily intake of Spirulina in the form of capsules or liquid diet is recommended if you want to enjoy the
multiple Spirulina Platnesis benefits.