Mineral Resources
These are the natural resources found on the mother earth but they cannot be renewed. They are also
present in the organisms as both in the form of organic as well as inorganic forms hence one can find the traces of
minerals in almost everywhere.

The calcium, phosphorous, sodium ,chlorine and sulphur are the major minerals you can find in the animals
and also in the human beings and small traces of iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, fluorine and selenium can also be
found .theminerals in the plant kingdom are divided into two parts the micro and macro nutrients .
Mineral Resources Macro Nutrients
The macro nutrients consist of the calcium, magnesium, sulphur and iron whereas the micro nutrients
comprises of the manganese, cobalt, zinc and chlorine. The minerals are present all most everywhere in the world at
some places they are in bulk and at some parts of the earth only traces can be found.
Hence it depends on the geography and also the topography of a place. Depending upon the amount and
terrain the mineral can be found and at all places all the minerals cannot be found hence there are international
collaborations among different countries to exchange their minerals.
Their distribution is totally unequal for example India is rich in coal, manganese, iron, chromite’s and
mica. It is deficit in gold, silver and nickel etc…in the north America there is abundance of molybdenum but
deficit of tin, manganese.
Mineral Resources are found in abundance
However the deficit minerals can be found in abundant in INDONESIA and MALAYSIA as in SOUTH AFRICA more
amount of gold and uranium resources can be found . New projects are continuously being taken up by different
companies to explore the new sources of energy as because the minerals contribute to most of our fuel demands
either directly or indirectly everyone depends on the mineral resources even our body minerals if get deficit are
to be balanced with proper diet and nutrition i.e. the diet having the highest nutrients.
The minerals must be conserved and should be used properly our future generations should be kept in mind
when we are using the resources as because their safety is our main concern and they should not be left in
the dark various types of mineral resources are found in various parts of the world they are to be conserved
properly and many rules are also being made against the use of resources they should be used in a proper manner
.there will be many problems if the resources are getting deficit.
Mineral resources are of geographic interest and not of economic interest because public safety is also
most important the government shall not take any risks in this matter if we are consuming the minerals in
same rate then there would be a great deficit of mineral resources in a century almost all the countries are taking
proper measures to protect their natural resources and are also trying their best for alternate type of fuels
and they are also succeeding in their experiments but still they are working with their full efficiency.
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